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HomeBenefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership

Who Belongs

The Benefits

  • Treasurers
  • Assistant Treasurers
  • Controllers
  • Cash Managers
  • Treasury Analysts
  • Banking Professionals
  • Academicians
  • Service Providers
  • Expand your professional network
  • Educational, monthly luncheon meetings
  • Updates on current issues and trends
  • Membership directory
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Meetings qualify for one CTP/CCM credit (one CPE credit with TSBPA approval*)


* Fort Worth AFP is a non-registered sponser of TSBPA. In order to claim CPE credit for one of our meetings, you must fill out TSBPA Form L0002 and submit with your recertification. Submission of the form does not guarantee acceptance of the course by the board.


The membership of FWAFP shall be open to corporations and individuals as defined by the following characteristics:


Membership shall be open to all corporations and their employees who possess a financial or treasury management function. Such membership shall be open to and be inclusive of all entities, including public and private entities, and financial institutions.


Membership shall be open to individuals whose primary activity relates to assisting and consulting of the performance of others in activities of financial and treasury management.


Associate Members
Associate membership shall be open to individuals who have an interest in the treasury management profession, but are not currently employed or actively involved in the treasury management profession. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote or hold any Board of Director position. They may be involved in committees, special events groups, etc.